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Bitcoin Rush – Crypto Trading Bot Review by Traders

8 min
Bitcoin Rush Review


Several different sites
Suspiciously favorable offers
Fake reviews
No information about the algorithms



  • None, this bot is a scam!


  • Multiple logos and websites that are associated with the platform raise suspicions
  • Sign-up form asking for a phone number to be used for marketing purposes
  • No crypto company found at the provided address in England.

Key takeways

  1. The website has a note allowing your phone number to be used for the delivery of marketing materials.
  2. Instead of information about the product, each of the sites has general information about bitcoin and fake news about celebrities' connection to the platform.
  3. No information about algorithms, contradictory information about commissions, and concealment of project owners and founders.
  4. The absence of any licenses and registration of this company indicates it is just another fraudulent bot.


How to use Bitcoin Rush – full review

The cryptocurrency market has been on a high for the past few years and it is only expected to grow in the future. With this lucrative opportunity, many people have turned to crypto trading as their way of generating passive income.

There are many ways to trade cryptocurrencies but most people use bots as they are easy and convenient. However, this does not mean that it is without risks – you can lose money if you do not know what you are doing or if you don’t set up your account properly. The most important thing is to be aware of the risks and know what you’re doing.

There are many different ways to get into crypto trading. You can buy and sell coins on an exchange, trade with other people in peer-to-peer exchange, or develop your own bot to trade automatically.

The crypto market is notoriously volatile and it can be difficult for traders to keep up with the market trends. A trader needs to sleep a few hours every day, but the market doesn’t stop. This is where bots come in handy. Trading bots are software programs that can execute trades automatically on behalf of a trader, based on certain parameters such as time or price.

Just like any other product, trading platforms and trading bots come in all shapes and sizes and some are definitely better than others. So what’s the case for Bitcoin Rush?

Search Results

Immediately we are met with a discrepancy. There is not one but two “official” websites for Bitcoin Rush that come up on Google search. In fact, after going into a few reviews, an additional site came up.

Bitcoin Rush search results

There are two possible reasons for this. Either this was by design or it was unintentional. If the makers of this software did this on purpose, then it’s clear that their intentions are nefarious. However, it’s no better if they left open the possibility of a copycat swooping into scam people using their name. This is a business that’s asking you to trust it with your money.

If the creators of Bitcoin Rush didn’t have the presence of mind to buy up similar domains or trademark their domain name, what other mistakes have slipped past them with regards to keeping your information and investment safe?

This is an immediate cause for mistrust as it can only result from utter carelessness or malice.

The Website(s) of Bitcoin Rush

Although what’s been said above should immediately stop any investor, we’ll keep going here to pile on more evidence for even the most trusting person out there. Take a look at the first thing that a user is greeted with upon entering the website. The logo.

first site Bitcoin Rush

That’s actually 3 logos. 3 different websites, 3 different logos – color scheme, design, and all. This isn’t really what you are looking for when starting a company in a competitive environment of crypto trading if you are a small company looking to take on the bigger names. For some reason, many scam crypto platforms have multiple logos, just like these ones, we’ve already reviewed:

Although the two sites that came up in the Google search have somewhat legitimate-looking domain names, the third one really takes the cake.

second site Bitcoin Rush

That right there is a subdomain pretending to be the “name of the website” for people who don’t know a lot about these things. Subdomains are often used to present different sections of the website. You might have noticed the “m” subdomain used to present a website version tailored for mobile devices.

What is strange here is that the subdomain uses what is supposed to be the “main name” of the website, while the domain is something else entirely.

main domain of Bitcoin Rush

Navigating to it, we see that it’s a rather sterile environment. There is nothing to click, nothing to select, and nothing to see. There isn’t even a way to navigate back. This is a stand-in website that’s only used to present many different subdomains for various scams, economically. In fact, this exact website was used in another scam, Crypto Revolt, in exactly the same way.

The scammers are hoping people won’t look at the link and know better. Moving on to the next item – the signup form.

creating account on Bitcoin Rush

Here is one of the three. Immediately we see two suspicious elements. First, they ask for our phone number. This is a little strange to have as a requirement but below that, even worse – an admission that your phone number will be used to deliver marketing material.

When most people sign up for a trading platform, they don’t expect to have to put up with marketing offers on their phones and that’s just as well. Neither should you.

Next, there is the lingo. Scams usually throw a lot of text at a user to obfuscate. Usually, the text is either truthful but not directly related to the product, like when they present long sections on the history of Bitcoin, or the tech is jargon and lots of convoluted languages trying to impress. In the case of these 3 websites, the creators have opted to cut down on the text, but the jargon is quite strong. Consider the following.

advantages of Bitcoin Rush bot

“Pinpoint lucrative trading opportunities” and “generate trading signals” aren’t untruthful statements. It’s just a very convoluted and unnatural way of saying “the bot will react as soon as certain crypto reaches a certain price and immediately notify you.”

Then there is a mention of brokers in the third section. If world-class brokers have indeed paired up with Bitcoin Rush, it seems reasonable that it would warrant a mention. And just what security measures did they take to protect personal data and funds? Why do these brokers offer effective trading tools? Isn’t Bitcoin Rush supposed to offer the single most powerful tool – an amazing trading bot?

Key facts about Bitcoin Rush bot

First of all, which publications mentioned Bitcoin Rush? Nothing of the kind comes up in Google Search. 

Next, we see a convoluted way to namedrop. Musk’s enthusiasm and engagement with various crypto projects are famous. Here we see another example of an attempt at confusing the user. A simple “yes” or “no” early in the section would have sufficed. Instead, the answer is hidden in the middle of the passage, preceded by the following statement “It is true that Elon Musk…”

Scammers are hoping that people won’t think much about their sentences or read details. Nowadays, people can’t be bothered to read chunks of text as their attention span has shortened. Scammers rely on people skimming the text and strategically placing or emphasizing certain keywords while hiding others.

Anyway, what is the business model here? How does this service generate revenue or even return the investment of getting it up and going?

Zero monthly fee of Bitcoin Rush

A suspiciously good offer. No other broker offers this deal, and it’s normal to be looking at small fees when buying and selling. These range from 0.01% to 1.49% depending on various circumstances.

Think about it. It costs money to develop software, pay for hosting services, and keep customer support working. We aren’t even talking about profit yet, this is only about recouping your investment. Are we supposed to believe the creators of this amazing service are losing thousands of dollars every month? They seem to plan to be doing this forever. But then…

Depositing $250 on Bitcoin Rush bot

Well, alright, $250 deposit, but why? Why does it matter if you start with $250 or $10 if they don’t intend to take a cut from your trades?

In the past year, crypto trading has continued to grow, but there is a surprising trend. Vietnam, Pakistan, and India have put the pedal to the metal and their crypto adoption rate is overtaking the USA and Europe.

Given the difference in the living standards, a $250 mandatory deposit would serve as a very high barrier to entry that would exclude most of these newcomers. It’s just a very unsound policy decision that would be detrimental to the business model if this project did indeed even have one.

On to some outside sources.

Trustpilot Reviews of Bitcoin Rush

Always look at legitimate review sites when considering investing money through these projects. Trustpilot is just one such website. Immediately upon search, there is a surprise waiting for us.

Trustpilot reviews of Bitcoin Rush

There are yet more of these websites. The .live didn’t come up in the search before and it’s easy to see why. It’s been taken down and for a good reason.

Similar Trustpilot reviews have several scam crypto bots we have written about:

There are some long and gutwrenching reviews for some of these, but this one sums it up the best.

Real review of Bitcoin Rush

Others have lost thousands of dollars to these scammers, but at least this person had the presence of mind to stop early. Others have mentioned abusive communication with the “support staff.”

another real review of Bitcoin Rush bot

It can get pretty frustrating for scammers when people decide to opt-out or if they feel like they are being led around in circles. After all, they are in this for a quick and easy buck and every minute they “waste” on a victim that won’t budge is lost money for them.

Physical Location

The creators of Bitcoin Rush didn’t go through the trouble of providing us with the location of their offices. After all, people have to develop software and perform customer support service from some sort of an office, right?

Trustpilot does have a few addresses listed, depending on which of the websites you decide to look at, but it all amounts to the same thing.

Take, for example, this one: 80 Wood Ln, White City, W12 0BZ, London, United Kingdom

That’s an office building providing coworking spaces, which isn’t necessarily suspicious, but the absence of any mention of this company at the location is.

Fake location of Bitcoin Rush office

Whether or not anyone sits at the rented desk or even whether or not a desk was even rented at this location is up to anyone’s guess. One thing is for certain, there is no trace of there ever being a company related to Bitcoin Rush at any of these locations. In our attempt to tie this scam to a physical place or a person, yet another dud.

Other scam bots have the same address:

Domain Registrant

Just who is behind all this? An amazing company with 500k users that turns down billions in investment surely has a face, a spokesperson, a CEO. Not the case here. ICANN lookup sadly returns nothing of use.

Domain information about Bitcoin Rush

The problem with Cloudflare is its privacy policy which allows scammers to hide identities and set up more or less legitimate-looking websites like the ones above without ever revealing who they are or where they are from. This makes the investigation of the scheme difficult for someone who doesn’t have the tools of a law enforcement agency.

Regardless, it’s a red flag, and coupled with all that’s been shown above, this makes it conclusive that we’re dealing with a scam here.

FAQ on Bitcoin Rush

What is Bitcoin Rush?

It’s just another scam trying to milk your hard-earned money.

Is Bitcoin Rush a Scam?

Don’t take these words for it. There are credible reviews out there explaining in detail what the operation is.

How much money can I make with Bitcoin Rush?

Any money you invest into Bitcoin Rush is money you can say goodbye to.

Is Bitcoin Rush legit?

No, it clearly is not, so don’t use it.



Elijah Brown

I made the mistake of trusting Bitcoin Rush and invested on their platform. However, the returns never materialized, and I quickly realized that the entire platform is a scam. The supposed “customer support” team is non-existent, and there’s no way to get in touch with anyone for help. If you value your money, stay far away from Bitcoin Rush.

Megan Jackson

Signed up for Bitcoin Rush, deposited the money into the account, and that’s when the illusion of a legitimate bot came crushing down. Couldn’t make any semi-decent trades, and withdrawals are frozen. No other option but to accept the fact that I had been scammed. Hopefully you won’t be.


riddled with technical glitches and errors


As someone who has been in the cryptocurrency industry for years, I can say with certainty that is not how a trading bot should function. The platform promises huge returns with minimal effort, which is simply not possible in the real world. Worse yet, it seems to trade at random, if it’s even actually trading at all – hard to tell because you can’t withdraw the funds anyway.