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Crypto Revolt – Crypto Trading Bot Review by Traders

10 min
Crypto Revolt review


4 websites
Several logos
Registration via phone number
0% fees and commissions
Deposit of $250
Questionable reviews



  • No advantages at all, it's a scammy bot


  • Use of multiple logos and domain names indicates fraud
  • The requirement to provide a phone number and share personal information with third parties
  • Use of stock images and generic, non-specific language to describe the product
  • Fake reviews and testimonials

Key takeways

  1. Several websites that are mostly filled with general information about Bitcoin and no details about the product.
  2. Disclaimers are one of the methods by which arguments are strengthened for use in any potential lawsuits.
  3. Poses as a legitimate cryptocurrency (and forex) trading platform and trading software provider, but is in fact just another fraudulent bot.


How to use Crypto Revolt – full review

Passive income is all the buzz nowadays and is a reason for many people to dip their toes in crypto, especially coupled with trading bots. Social media is filled with gurus promising x easy steps to start making passive income and becoming a millionaire by 40. Passive income is nothing new and it’s a legitimate way to earn money but new opportunities should be investigated.

Typically, what passive income entails is dumping a (large) sum of money into a rental property or stock options and then letting the free market do its work for you. Depending on the risk profile of investment there are associated costs to be considered. 

Typically, people opt for safer versions because, in reality, having a safety net is more important than becoming a millionaire to most people.

Day trading is riskier still. A trader will be expected to make quick decisions that may cost them a large portion of their investment. This is why internet stability and low ping are important to them. Trading bots only serve to add near super-human reaction speed to, usually, a preset condition. 

So, a good trader will configure his bots according to his best ability and hope the only thing holding them back is reaction time. This is the point of intersection between cryptocurrencies, a volatile environment, and trading bots.

A lot of crypto trading bots offer sure trades and amazing returns with only a few minutes of your time every day, even for absolute beginners. Let’s see what Crypto Revolt promises its users.

The Google Search of Crypto Revolt

At the very outset of our little investigation, we can see an incriminating clue. Looking up Crypto Revolt gives us several results.

Google Search

The .com site is not very suspicious in and of itself, but the .app domain is a little unusual, but using two websites is even more suspicious. Companies will usually either buy up similar domain names or register their domain as a trademark – or both. 

This will protect their customers from scammers leeching off of the reputation of a legitimate business, as well as the business itself from having its name associated with such criminal activity. It’s one of the main considerations in branding. Protecting what you have created. But there’s more.

Looking up other reviews to sniff out more clues, sure enough, we can see Crypto Revolt is represented, the same logo as we can see on the .com website is used, but the website addresses are all jumbled up and named all wrong.

Crypto Revolt first site

One address is using a subdomain that is similar to the expected one, but the very use of subdomain for this instead of the main part of the web address – the domain, gives cause for suspicion. 

The main website can be repurposed and the subdomains shut down, or, worse yet, other subdomains may be introduced – for other “projects”. This seems to be exactly the case here because navigating to the core of the website itself gives us pretty much an empty website.

malicious redirects

No way to navigate back to the first page, nothing to click, nothing to see. The domain, the main page, is merely a stand-in to shuffle various subdomains for multiple, likely different, projects.

The Websites of Crypto Revolt

Analyzing the websites themselves has proved to be somewhat more laborious. In the case of Crypto Revolt, we are dealing with only 4 websites, and luckily their use of logos help connect the dots.

4 websites

The two logos from the google search results are completely different, but the ones from review sites are the same as the bottom, .com one. Again, using multiple logos and different color schemes goes contrary to the logic of branding a product or a company and is cause for immediate suspicion.

Multiple logos are often used by other similar platforms from a well-known scam network:

Next, there is the signup form.

Account registration at Crypto Revolt

For the sake of brevity, only one example is provided here, but they share the same main elements. 

The makers of Crypto Revolt are asking us to provide our phone number. The reason for this is entirely unclear and this is by no means a standard. Crypto is supposed to be about going your own way, about independence.

Not only that, but they are notifying us that they will share our information with third parties. Why? They are selling the idea of a platform that enables crypto trading and bots that facilitate it. Why are any third parties involved here and what could they possibly bring to the table?

Then there is the word-salad gobbledygook content of the website. Suspicious projects will always try to leech off of others’ success and try not to talk a lot about themselves. This is probably why 3 of the 4 websites use a lot of Bitcoin stock images.

By the way, wide usage of stock images is a feature of several scam crypto bots we have been warning about:

To the entry-level user, Bitcoin is the biggest and best crypto coin. The truth is, of course, more complicated than that, but the makers of the website don’t seem to want users worrying about that. They are showing off clean amazing Bitcoin-themed images and throwing huge blocks of text talking about Bitcoin and its history.

no trustworthy information about Crypto Revolt on their site

Why? There is nothing wrong with providing context and insight, of course, but you’d expect to see the front page plastered with information about the product itself. You’d expect images, videos, interviews, and social media elements. If this is a legitimate brand – how did it build its online presence? How does it reach its audience? Who is the CEO and what are his credentials?

What little they’ve said about the product between all the websites amounts to this. They are offering a platform for trading cryptocurrency and forex, as well as an amazing trade bot that will actually do all the work for you. Again, why are we being asked to give our phone number, and why are third-party traders being involved if their product is all we need to get rich? And how much will all of this cost us?

Someone went through the trouble of developing the product, the website, and paid for the hosting of the services. Surely they are not doing this for love? What is the price of this software and what are the trading fees?

Apparently, none whatsoever. 

No fees at Crypto Revolt

Well, that sounds great for a complete beginner, but if we give it a thought for a minute or two we are left to wonder: Are the creators of this revolutionary software doing this for free? Not only that but are they actually losing money?

No other platform offers 0% in fees and commissions. It’s just not possible to run this type of operation for very long like that. All legitimate trading platforms have fees that range anywhere from 0.01% to 1.49%, depending on whether you are buying or selling and where.

But then we find this.

Deposit $250 at Crypto Revolt

Alright, so there is a deposit. But again, why? Also, this makes it seem like we are obliged to use the software, but the ambiguous language elsewhere leads us to believe this is optional. That would certainly be the norm. Besides, so far there’s been no talk about this amazing trading bot.

Alright, it’s precise and fast but what are its parameters, and how easy is it to use? Is there a video showcasing it? Is there an onboarding process to help beginners set it up?  Not really. Apart from the claim that you will be setting your parameters, there is no further information about this bot and its features. And then this.

Do you have to buy one full Bitcoin?

Maybe not every beginner would know this so it’s good to know you don’t have to dump tens of thousands of dollars immediately. While on the subject of Satoshi, they aren’t being exactly clear here – or honest. The ambiguity of the text may lead one to believe Satoshi is worth 1$. 

Satoshi is merely the smallest possible part of a Bitcoin – one millionth. As the price of Bitcoin fluctuates so does the price of Satoshi, following it exactly.

Some platforms, however, may necessitate rounded number trading and therefore limit the smallest trade to, say, $1 or $2 or even $10. It’s not clear whether that’s the case here, but it seems that this is another attempt at obfuscation through the use of technical terms and half-truths.

Going back to the deposit, if we are allowed to trade for as little as $1 and no fees or commissions are involved, why are we asked to start with $250? Seeing as how crypto trading is a fast-rising trend in places outside Europe or North America, it’s even more puzzling why the entry barrier would be this high, eliminating a lot of the newcomers from the customer pool.

Well, customer, might not exactly be right here because no one seems to be making any money here, but we march on. 

Risk note

The last clue is this suspicious disclaimer. Although the use of disclaimers is normal and to be expected in all websites, especially ones dealing with trading, the awfully specific wording of this one draws attention.

70% is a very high and very specific number. Over what period was this statistic derived? What was the amount of money lost and why? As regards the wording of the disclaimer itself, a simple all trading carries risk would have probably sufficed. Here we are being given a strange and threatening number with no context. 

Could it be that the scammers are shoring up arguments to be used in any potential lawsuits? We’ve gathered what we could from the websites themselves, let’s check in with other trustworthy third-party websites.

Trustpilot about Crypto Revolt

Funnily enough, Trustpilot reveals yet another website with the same name.

Trustpilot about Crypto Revolt

Sadly, the .app one is empty, but the .biz one bears all the marks of a scam we’ve noted above and some more.

Fake review on Trustpilot about Crypto Revolt

Apart from yet another different logo, note the use of profile on the right. Although credible testimonials and reviews are desirable, why are we being shown notifications in real-time about other people’s trades? Why do these people all have profile pictures? No one mentioned anything about good, clean, beautiful profile pictures so far. 

Not one person has decided to use a joke image, a meme, or something worse? Picture this. A person decides to put up a very very controversial image as their profile image. Something truly horrendous and problematic, entirely up to you, dear reader, to imagine. Then they start making trades that ensure they end up on the notifications as often as possible. This would quickly ruin a brand.

No sane person would even try to implement this, and no web designer worth a penny would let them do it.

Back to Trustpilot. The reviews are great. A little too good. 90% 5 stars and 10% 4 stars is practically unheard of. Weren’t we just told that 70% of people lose money?

And what about their onboarding process or lack thereof. No one had a bad experience? No one was lost or confused? These are highly suspicious generic reviews full of ambiguous praise and very confusing jargon.

Suspicious 5-star review

“Doesn’t charge too much.” Well, it doesn’t charge at all, apparently. Also, what is this talk of bonuses and discounts? All this talk coming from users with exactly 1 review is, again, highly suspicious.

Similar Trustpilot reviews have several scam crypto bots we have written about:

About and Contact section on Trustpilot

Then there is the About & Contact section. We are inundated with tech jargon that wasn’t even much mentioned on the websites themselves. Then there is the “leap”. Just what is leap even? Half of these sentences are good-sounding keywords haphazardly strung together in a more or less incomprehensible mess.

And then they mention awards. Needless to say, there is no such thing as the “Global Trading Association.”

The Location of Crypto Revolt office

77 New Cavendish Street The Harley Building London is an office building, which is, in and of itself, a good enough choice for startups. Looking up the address shows no such registered companies at the location which gives cause to suspect that we are being provided a virtual office location. A cheap stand-in for an actual office, the physical component of which could be located anywhere in the world. Maybe looking up domains will help us find out who these people are and where do they reside.

ICANN Lookup

Sadly, and damningly, in both cases, we hit the wall of using Cloudflare as the domain registry service.

Domain information about Crypto Revolt site

The problem with this, for investigation purposes, is that Cloudflare protects the privacy of its users, making it a favorite service of scammers. 

Even if it does not protect them from the long hand of the law, this wall of privacy helps shield them from the prying eyes of the concerned public and makes the investigation difficult for a common person. Looking at all these clues individually, they range from somewhat innocent, to possible mistakes, all the way to damning evidence. Altogether, they paint an unmistakable picture of an ongoing scam.

FAQ on Crypto Revolt

What is Crypto Revolt?

It’s a scam posing as a legitimate crypto (and forex) trading platform and trading software provider.

Is Crypto Revolt a Scam?

Yes. Although this isn’t a court of law, all the evidence presented here should lead any reasonable person to conclude that this is a scam.

How much money can I make with Crypto Revolt?

You will lose all the money that you invest through this platform.

Is Crypto Revolt legit?

No. Don’t use it. There are good, competitive, and legitimate alternatives, and there exist trading bots out there, but this one is not it.



Jonathan Ross

Don’t trust anything Crypto Revolt says, it’s all a bunch of lies and immoral trickery. The platform is just a front for a group of scammers looking to make a quick buck off unsuspecting investors. I got burned, hope they’ll get caught soon enough, before other people lose their deposits too.

Nisha Patel

I was hoping to make some money using Crypto Revolt, but instead I just lost a bunch of money. The software is unreliable and wasn’t trading with the promised precision, not nearly. And the trading signals it follows aren’t any good, costing me a lot of money. Not a quality product.


using Crypto Revolt was a frustrating and confusing experience…the platform is not user-friendly and I had trouble figuring out how to even make trades…not sure if you even can