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Bitcoin Pro – Crypto Trading Bot Review by Traders

8 min
Bitcoin Pro Review


Multiple sites
Different logos
Discrepancy of information
Fake reviews
Illegal activity



  • This bot has no pros - it is an illegal operation


  • Multiple websites that claim to be the official site of Bitcoin Pro and use unprofessional domain extensions
  • They ask for personal information, such as phone numbers, and share it with third-party brokers
  • The promises of incredible returns are contradictory and unrealistic
  • The claims that it's completely free are questionable as commissions are supposedly taken from brokers

Key takeways

  1. The use of several websites with different information demonstrates one of the signs that Bitcoin Pro is a fraudulent trading bot.
  2. One of the sites indicates a 2% commission without specifying from whom it is charged, while another site states that everything is completely free.
  3. The "company" is not responsible for personal data, but only directly states that it transfers it to third parties.
  4. The sites are part of a fraudulent network, and the concealment of the owners only demonstrates an unwillingness to be held accountable before the law.


How to use Bitcoin Pro – full review

Trading bots are amazing helpers. In the hands of experienced traders who can tweak them just right, they are even more powerful. To beginners, they can serve as a safety net.

Because of their appeal coupled with the opportunity that crypto trading provides, scammers have taken to targeting people looking to get into crypto trading. If you’re a beginner in something, knowledge about the subject is what you desperately need.

Hopefully, this little investigation provides useful insight that can be applied not only in this case but in other trade bot projects as well.

The Google Search of Bitcoin Pro

When scouring the web for any and all buzz about Bitcoin Pro, we can easily discover at least 3 websites claiming to belong to this project.

Google search of Bitcoin Pro

First, note the somewhat strange domain extensions .app and .live, often used for economic purposes. They are cheaper.

Next, note the excessive use of official and convincing language. The “™”, “official”, or “[2022]” is not something we ever find in serious legit sites. We’re dealing with money here and people take that seriously.

Finally, there is the sheer fact that we are dealing with multiple websites in the first place. There is no good reason for this to be the case for any normal business. The logic of running and growing a business demands that you drive all traffic to one place, not dissipate interest over multiple web pages.

It’s actually even worse, because going through some legitimate as well as known for scam-paddling reviews sites we find even more websites. 3 more in total. More on that later.

The Bitcoin Pro Websites

Not only are the addresses and page titles a little unprofessional, but the use of logo(s) is very weird as well.

Bitcoin Pro websites
Bitcoin Pro websites

Just like with multiple websites, there is no good reason to be using multiple logos. It dissipates the brand identity and goes counter to the interest of growing a legitimate, long-standing business.

There are 2 websites that can be reached via review sites. These are even more damning.

1st website of Bitcoin Pro
1st website of Bitcoin Pro

Note that the main domain name is something entirely unrelated to Bitcoin Pro. Bitcoin Pro only appears in what is known as the directory part of the domain. A directory is, as the name implies, used to funnel traffic to various pages of the main web page.

The same is the case here.

2nd site of Bitcoin Pro
2nd site of Bitcoin Pro

There is no easy, user-friendly way to navigate to the main page of these websites so we are reduced to manually trimming the link. This is fairly suspicious in and of itself but what we find is even worse.

empty main pages
empty main pages

The actual main pages are empty. Devoid of all content with nothing to show. Needless to say, no way to go back to where we came from except manually. Clearly, no one is ever meant to come here.

another main page is empty as well

Either this is one very poor example of website engineering or whoever made these has a better use of the main domain than displaying the page of their project. Who knows how many other pages might be hiding in the directories of these two pages.

On to the content of the pages themselves. Because there are several to consider at the same time, to spare everyone the bother we will only point out the most problematic elements here, clear indicators of an ongoing scam.

It begins relatively innocently.

bitcoin pro contact form suspicious contact form
Bitcoin Pro suspicious contact form

The promotional material, as well as textual content on the web pages, is almost entirely unrelated to Bitcoin Pro. Much is told and shown about Bitcoin and crypto in general, but we get very very little about this supposedly groundbreaking project itself.

Here they are asking us for our phone number. This is certainly a non-standard practice. Even more, so is the purpose of this – to share with third-party brokers. Why is this mandatory? 

The websites make it look like this is a one-stop shop for all crypto-investment purposes. Are they implying that they are not a brokerage? If so, who is? Do they have an exclusive deal? Why isn’t it up to us to just take the bot and use it at whichever brokerage we find fitting? In that case, why distribute our personal information?

It just doesn’t hold up even at this point.

Amazing Gains

If a deal sounds too good to be true – it probably is. Here, these shady people couldn’t even keep their own story straight. When we get to promises of incredible returns we find this.

Amazing 60% daily

Think about the math. 4 times is 400%. Just in the previous sentence, they said it was 60%. Well, which is it?

The next one, from a different website, contradicts both itself and the previous claim.

Can I make profit with Bitcoin Pro?

This time it’s 200% vs 60%, but it’s on an 8-hour basis so, given that this is an automated autonomous trading system, we’re really talking about 600% daily. The bots, after all, don’t have working hours. The beauty of them is that they run non-stop.

Similar high gains offer other scam bots:

But what about the fees? These amazing results surely must cost something.

Best Of All – It’s Completely Free!

Or so they claim.

Bitcoin Pro is completely free

The implication here is that commissions are, somehow, taken from brokers. How do the parties know when to charge the commission? If this is a mere trading bot, do they keep track of where the trade is coming from? What of the brokers that don’t allow bots or don’t open their APIs to external software?

Again, no statement was made on just who the partners are, so this remains vague. But the list of the claim is solid – This is entirely free, and all the costs are offloaded to third parties.

Hidden fees with Bitcoin Pro

Another site contradicts this.

Here, we’re given yet another, equally vague and problematic model. Taking 2% is not only a high fee but we are not even told who is being charged in the transaction. Brokers usually apply much smaller fees but to both parties.

Here, no specifics are given, which is weird, especially as the fee is so high compared to competitors.

Fine Print

Read the fine print. Always. Seriously. You never know when you might encounter something funny. Take this silly detail for example.

Fine Print
Fine Print

Another claim that, on closer scrutiny, just doesn’t make sense. How much money do the investors lose? All their money or just for that one trade? Is this a general trend and something that might happen at any time or is it tied to bull/bear run phases?

How is this trading bot supposed to make us into millionaires if more than ⅔ of its users are losing money?

Do Not Look At The Man Behind The Curtain

Who knows what you might see. An empty website like before… or a partially finished website. Take a look at just how this operation is run.

 body of the website Bitcoin Pro

They have these blocks of text at the ready. Customizing them for individual scam projects must take them very little time – minutes perhaps. This entire site is like that. The domain is correctly set, of course, but the body of the website was either forgotten or is ongoing construction.

Fake testimonials of Bitcoin Pro

First of all, let me assure you that it’s impossible that these people, with these names live at these locations. The title of the trader bot is still omitted, clearly showing that the entire thing is a recyclable element.

Even if it were constructed better it would be ridiculous. Who would want their name and face shown to the whole world along with the amount of money they just earned?

These websites contain several contradictory and damning elements and this should satisfy even the most trusting and naive reader.

Trustpilot Reviews

Looking at Trustpilot’s search list, we can see that these aren’t even the only websites ever used.

Trustpilot Reviews of Bitcoin Pro

The last one, with the .uk domain extension, doesn’t even exist anymore. As regards the others, we can note that the reviews are clearly packed with generic, polished reviews. This might be a good thing because it could mean very few people, if anyone, fell for it as of yet.

Similar Trustpilot issues have other scam crypto bots we have written about:

The About & Contact sections of the first and the German review pages are more interesting to look at.

About & Contact sections of Bitcoin Pro

First of all, which is it? Is it the Global Investing Association or the Global Trading Group that gave them the award? Neither of these exist, of course, and they didn’t receive any awards. A quick and simple Google search reveals this.

With regards to the locations they’ve provided, we can only conclude that they’re covering their tracks.

Fake location of Bitcoin Pro office

These are office buildings with offices to rent, virtual and physical alike. It’s comparatively easier to register a business at such a location but even a cursory examination makes it clear – there never was any such company at these locations.

The Google reviews clearly indicate that no meaningful, let alone financially groundbreaking business is taking place here. These are fake addresses, and they are the same as other fake crypto platform use, we’ve mentioned before:

So, back to the domains to check one last box.

ICANN Lookup

Not much hope of finding the scammers through a simple and publicly available tool, but it’s worth taking a look, even if just to point to one scammers’ practice.

Domain information of Botcoin Pro bot
Domain information of Botcoin Pro bot

The use of Cloudflare for hosting and domain services is a staple of scams. Cloudflare gained notoriety for being a safe haven for internet piracy, scam operations, and fraudsters. Its privacy policy gives them a shield impenetrable by the public eye.

At this point, only a law enforcement agency might have the authority to keep pursuing the trail. Our investigation must stop, but at a satisfactory point. We have gathered plenty of clues.

FAQ on Bitcoin Pro

What is Bitcoin Pro?

Bitcoin Pro is an ongoing and developing trading bot scam.

Is Bitcoin Pro a Scam?

Yes and we’ve even been able to take a peek behind the curtain this time.

How much money can I make with Bitcoin Pro?

You will gain negative money. That is to say, you will lose money.

Is Bitcoin Pro legit?

Bitcoin Pro is not legit. Bitcoin Pro might as well be called BitCon Pro. It’s a scam.



Benjamin Rodriguez

Bitcoin Pro is nothing but a scam that should be avoided at all costs. The platform promises high returns and easy trading, but it’s actually just a front for stealing your money. I deposited a small amount to test the platform, but it quickly became clear that the trades were not legitimate. The customer service was terrible, and I had to fight tooth and nail to get my money back. Do yourself a favor and don’t fall for this scam.

Aaliyah Jenkins

I wish I had read the reviews before investing in Bitcoin Pro. The platform preys on people’s greed and lack of knowledge about cryptocurrencies. The trading algorithm is fake, and the brokers are only interested in getting you to deposit more money. I lost a significant amount of money on this platform, and I regret ever trusting them.