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Crypto Superstar – Crypto Trading Bot Review by Traders

7 min
Crypto Superstar Review


Claimed crypto trading bot
Does not work outside the EU or the USA
No licenses and security measures
Fake customer reviews
Users do not pay any fees



  • No pros here


  • It's always a red flag when a trading platform promises high returns with little effort
  • Lack of information about the security measures and the "top brokers" they work with is concerning
  • It is unusual that a legitimate trading bot doesn't have a mobile app
  • Fake reviews and quotes from alleged users with stock images

Key takeways

  1. Several sites that promise a high-quality, useful and, most importantly, free product that will attract the untrained eye at once.
  2. Sites do not disclose information about data privacy policy or security policy or any licenses.
  3. Claiming to support brokers, they do not disclose information about them.
  4. Fake reviews are aimed at further building trust among users.


Crypto Superstar: Full Review – How to Spot a Scam When It’s Well Executed?

The cryptocurrency trading industry is growing and so are the scammers. With each new attempt, they get better and better at hiding the breadcrumbs of their fraudulent intentions, which we will demonstrate in this Crypto Superstar review.

The introduction with this alleged state-of-the-art crypto trading bot began as usual. We take a look at their websites (yes, plural) and assess how well they are executed as per our parameters.

Security 0%
Ease of use 100%
UI/UX 100%
Minimum deposit and payment options 50%
Demo account 0%
Support and tutorials 0%
Profit (according to User reviews) 50%
Overall rating 40%


They did a good job in terms of the design and information provided. It is just enough to trick an innocent eye. So, let’s first take a closer look at what they promise.

What Does Crypto Superstar Offer?

Sing up – They offer an easy process of signing up with them, where you just have to fill out a form on the front page.

Deposit – You will need to place a deposit of $250 as your initial investment.

Free of charge – Every single one of the websites assures you that there are no sign-up or withdrawal fees.

Earnings – Depending on the version of the site you visit, you can earn up to $1300, from $500 to $2000 daily, or convert your initial investment of $250 into $4000 within 24h.

Withdrawal methods – They offer plenty of methods for you to get your money: Neteller, Skrill, PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, bank transfer, etc.

Demo training – Demo training is enabled on their platforms for you to practice before investing with them.

Profitable trade signals – As stated on one of their websites, their crypto bot uses the latest algorithmic technology to analyze the market and generate accurate trade signals as soon as the profitable opportunity presents itself. This AI is also able to anticipate using a time leap of 0.01 seconds, thus helping you even as a beginner, says another. The third promises accuracy results of 99.4%.

Profitable trade signals
Accurate results

The same level of success rate often used by several scam crypto bots we have been warning about:

Monitoring trades
Accurate crypto trading

State of the art security – They have implemented the latest in security to ensure the safety of your data and money, working with only top brokers in the industry.

Safe and secure platform

Mobile app – There isn’t one. For a legitimate trading bot, it is very unusual not to have a mobile app.

Customer support – It is stated on the websites that customer support operates 24/7.

Awards – As per one of their websites, they have won many awards, but are being modest about it. They don’t want to brag, so it is up to you to make your own conclusions.

Award winning programm

How to Interpret the Offer that Sounds a Bit Too Good to Be True?

That all sounds nice, doesn’t it? So, what are the questions you should be asking yourself?

First of all, if you try to sign up from countries outside the EU or the U.S. (where cryptocurrency trading is allowed and regulated) you will get the message that they do not operate in said region.

But more importantly, if you do not pay any fees, how do they make a profit? Running a business like this is costly and the money has to come from somewhere. After all, it’s not a charity. They have to pay for tech maintenance, salaries to their employees, hosting and domains, presumably also the bills in their facilities.

While trade signals are a real thing, trading bots are merely tools to help you automate the trading process. So, for you to succeed, you need to be aware of how to communicate with the crypto trading bot, e.g. setting the parameters for entering and stopping the trade, and understand the market to be successful.

When it comes to security, you want to see their licenses, the exact type of security measure they have in place, etc. They do not offer any proof to support these claims.

And another thing is that they do not declare what top brokers they work with. We would expect to see some references or company logos, the types of things these companies usually put on display to instill trust and confidence in their users.

Not bragging about awards? This is exactly the type of situation to proudly present the awards you have won to your potential new clients. But, it may be that they don’t have anything to brag about since a Google search yielded zero results about them winning any awards.

Fake Testimonials Are Alway a Scam Give-Away

So, now that we have analyzed the content and design of their website, which could fool beginners, let’s see some scam give-aways. If you check these closely, you will not be duped.

Multiple Domains

Multiple domains that have the same or similar website layout should always raise a red flag.

the crypto superstart financialmarketsworld url
the crypto superstar com domain frontpage
Another Cryptosuperstar frontpage
the forth the crypto superstar com domain frontpage
the fifth crypto superstar com domain frontpage

Fake User Testimonials

Whenever you suspect that something sketchy is going on and there are testimonials with pictures, do a Google Lens Search. Google Lens searches for the same photo used in other corners of the internet. 

pictures from public websites

We did this for one of the Crypto Superstar websites and here are the results.

picture from Linkedin
image from Quora
picture from Twitter

They take pictures from public websites and social media platforms like Quora, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., and turn the people (probably unknowingly and unwillingly) into their fake customers.

Fake News or Celebrity Supporters

To be perfectly honest, this is not entirely fake. They did use real news clips and celebrity talks, which you can see all over the internet, but they conveniently packed those into a single video on the banner. It is as if the news clips are talking about their platform, which is not the case.

the crypto superstar com domain frontpage
the crypto superstart financialmarketsworld url
the crypto superstar com domain frontpage
the crypto superstar com making people rich

A similar marketing technique is used by well-known rogue network:

They also use carefully crafted language to insinuate support from billionaires and stars, such as Elon Musk and Winklevoss Twins.

Crypto Superstar is recommended by celebrities

If the Elon Musk paragraph sounds familiar, it is because something similar was stated on one of Yuan Pay’s websites.

Trustpilot Reviews

Usually, you can rely on websites like Trustpilot to get honest reviews. However, the scammers have an army of bots ready to write glowing reviews. So as not to look suspicious, they don’t have a perfect score. They have a few 4-star reviews and all of the others are 5-star.

If you carefully go through all of them, you will notice that almost all of the people posting have only that one review. Some have two, for another similar crypto bot platform.

Let’s look at these two examples:

Trustpilot Reviews of Crypto Superstar
Fake Trustpilot Reviews

At the first glance, they seem fine. Yet, reading carefully their statements, you will notice they only sing praises to the platform but do not offer any real information. For example, why is the 4-star review only 4 out of 5 stars if the platform is so good?

Similar Trustpilot reviews have several scam crypto bots we have written about:

When you look at these with a critical eye, you will see beyond the very professionally organized scam Crypto Superstar is trying to pull.

FAQs on Crypto Superstar Crypto Bot

What is Crypto Superstar?

Crypto Superstar is a very convincing and elaborate scheme to make you think they are a crypto trading bot.

Is Crypto Superstar a legitimate crypto bot?

No, it isn’t. It is a platform designed to trick you into giving them money, only to lose your investment quickly.

Can I make a profit with Crypto Superstar?

It is very risky to place your money into this alleged crypto bot, as it is highly likely you will lose both time and money.

Is it safe to use Crypto Superstar?

Absolutely not. There are no assurances they are a legit and safe crypto trading bot. They do not offer any insights into their security measures, trading algorithms, or licenses.

Our Verdict: Crypto Superstar is a Scam

With all of the insights provided in this Crypto Superstar review, we hope that you have gained a better understanding of the mechanisms these platforms use to trick people out of their money. It is always better to investigate before investing and even pay a fee to crypto trading bot platforms than lose your money on a scam.


Malik Williams

Where do they get the nerve to con people like this, I will never understand. Was looking for a handy passive income solution, but there’s none of that here. It’s just trickery to get you to “invest” and steal your money. Definitely a scam.

Sarah Baker

I had high hopes for Crypto Superstar, but it let me down. The software is unreliable and made several bad trades that cost me a lot of money. Not very good, to say the least.


so-called crypto superstar is a scam that preys on people’s financial insecurities. plain and simple. nothing to see here but a bunch of poor excuses for human beings who are only after your money.