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Bitcoin Lifestyle – Crypto Trading Bot Review by Traders

7 min
Bitcoin Lifestyle review


Transfers information to third parties
Social hacking
No algorithms
Two sites that contradict each other



  • Free of charge


  • An absolute fraud
  • Illegal activity
  • Deception and extortion of funds after registration

Key takeways

  1. Pretending to be a crypto trading platform and software for work purposes, but are fraudsters.
  2. Two sites with radically different information about the minimum deposit.
  3. The requirement to enter a phone number is just a pretext for further psychological pressure and extortion.


How to use Bitcoin Lifestyle – full review

Investing in cryptocurrency can be a profitable venture, but it carries a high degree of risk. The price of Bitcoin has been highly unpredictable and so far bitcoin has proven to be more volatile than most traditional investments like stocks, bonds, or gold.

Trading bots promise to help in this unstable trading environment by removing human emotion. Their analysis tools can be a trader’s objective eye and best friend. They also remove the limits of human reaction time and always remain active, making them the perfect assistant.

Is Bitcoin Lifestyle a good tool for traders, beginners, and experienced alike?

This investigation begins innocently enough. Only one website can be easily reached via Google search.

Google search of Bitcoin Lifestyle

Some suspicious elements are there, such as unnatural use of legitimizing lingo. “™” and “official” are, after all, not something we’re used to seeing on other reputable websites.

Review websites, however, reveal at least one other web page of this project.

Website Bitcoin Lifestyle

We can see three suspicious elements here already.

First, the two logos are completely different. Using multiple logos is unheard of in the world of modern business and goes contrary to trying to build up a business.

Second, the top website, reachable through review sites, contains trade notifications. More on this later, but for now let’s just say that there is no reason why either users or the company itself would want to notify the world about current trades, the identity of traders, and the amount of transactions.

Third, the top website has a strange domain name. The “Bitcoin Lifestyle” part of the domain name is actually in the “directory” part of the domain. This means that the web page can contain many different pages presented as the main page, juggling them to various users at the same time.

Scammers sometimes use this trick, either with the directory element or the subdomain to economize the website building and usage, for example, these ones:

Sure enough, navigating to the main page by trimming this excess part of the link leads us to this.

access denied

The main part of the website is actually empty and we can’t even go back to where we came from unless we type in the link manually (or “return” with our browser). This is a very strong indication that this is a scam operation.

bitcoin lifestyle contact form

Next, we arrive at the signup form. Note that scammers often use stock images and text vaguely related to the history of crypto or Bitcoin to fill their site with somewhat truthful content. However, the main thing to note is that very little is said about their product. 

While Bitcoin is often discussed at length and in detail, when it comes to the product or service the website is selling, the jargon breaks down and claims sound ridiculous to those who are attentive and observe with a critical eye.

Also, we are asked to provide a phone number and informed that they will share our information with third parties. Why this would be the case if they offer a trading platform and a trading bot is entirely unclear. We’re supposed to already have anything in one place.

Involving a third party in this business model is unnecessary, but to scammers, it’s a way of reaching a person to start social hacking in order to milk ever-increasing amounts of money.

how does bitcoin work

Since we’ve mentioned the strategy of using vague and unrelated claims, this here is an excellent example. About 1500  words are delivered to us on the front page. Most of these, by far, have to do with Bitcoin and the world of crypto. What little is devoted to Bitcoin Lifestyle is kept very vague.

So, the trading bot uses exactly the same fake strategy as applied by a number of other scam crypto bots we have mentioned before:

additional benefits of using Bitcoin Lifestyle

There is no talk about which algorithms are used or what the functionality of the software and customization options are. If you were trying to decide between multiple trading bots, nothing in here would give you the slightest clue as to which one is the best.

Bitcoin Lifestyle is completely free

Apparently, this service and this groundbreaking trading bot cost nothing. They won’t even charge fees when you trade!

What they’re saying here is that even as you’re amassing thousands of dollars they won’t even ask for a fraction of a %. They are in the business of making future millionaires – for free.

$250 deposit to Bitcoin Lifestyle

Here, the two sites differ slightly. One is asking for exactly a $250 deposit, while the other is very vague but does mention a “minimum deposit”. The discrepancy aside, why would a company that charges no fees care whether you start with $50 or $500? They aren’t going to see a single penny of that money, supposedly.

Huge profits daily with Bitcoin Lifestyle

First, let’s unpack the claim from the first section. Just how was this number derived? Over what period was this true? Surely when all the prices of various coins were plummeting, the profits must have been low, if they existed at all.

And what about customizing your bot? Can’t you choose which coin to trade and which risk profiles and strategies you will adopt? There are just so many options that affect potential profits to flat out say that a whole userbase will see these or those profits. At least, it’s supposed to be that way.

As regards the millionaire statement, let’s just say that it’s highly unlikely unless they were sinking hundreds of thousands of dollars into crypto, because the steepest price climb would see up to x3 or x4 price increase over the course of any 61 day period. 

There is simply no way to become a millionaire in two months unless you start with quite a large investment.

Finally, we’ve noted the presence of a live tracker of trades before. Not only that, but they’ve added a testimonials section. Having testimonials is fine and it’s only natural for a business looking to create rapport, but…

Fake persons profited with Bitcoin Lifestyle

Why are there pictures and exact amounts of money these people supposedly earned? Hovering over each gives a brief and very generic story, but it just doesn’t make sense to expose sensitive matters such as people’s financial situation like this.

Not to mention that every single one of these was taken with a webcam which makes one question just how these were obtained.

Now that we’ve established that the contents of the websites range between fake and outright problematic, let’s try to find out more about who’s behind this.

Trustpilot Reviews of Bitcoin Lifestyle

We’ve already been able to reach an additional website using Trustpilot, which is a generally good review site to check in these cases.

Trustpilot Reviews of Bitcoin Lifestyle
Trustpilot Reviews

Out of these 4, two websites are down, while the .club seems to be unrelated to this operation. The .digital website’s review page gives us this.

About and Contact section of Bitcoin Lifestyle

The reviews are very generic and any attentive reader will find that they lack any substance, like reviews of other similar fake platforms:

First the easier questionable element: There is no “Global Trade Association”. This organization and its supposed award are made up. They might sound impressive to a completely uninformed person, but a simple Google search reveals the falsehood.

Just above, however, hidden in the confusing jargon, there is one technical term. “Time jump”.

time leap technology

Wait, on their website they seem to name this feature, through the use of an apostrophe, implying it’s a technical term. But the two places disagree about the name of this feature.

Since it’s lauded as a revolutionary and cutting-edge feature, it’s strange that it wouldn’t be trademarked and carefully branded in and of itself.

Finally, the creators of Bitcoin Lifestyle have provided us with the address of their company in the contact section. This is the last chance for them to tell us absolutely anything about themselves and who they are.

Fake location of Bitcoin Lifestyle office

There’s nothing there. It’s an office building, for sure, but no mention of any such company can be found at this location.

Finally, we can give one last shot at identifying these scammers by looking at the website registry data.


After all, someone has to pay for domain and hosting services for these websites. So somewhere out there does exist a trail leading to these people. Let’s see if we can follow it.

Domain information of Bitcoin Lifestyle

Because they’ve opted to use Cloudflare for hosting services, the trail goes cold for us here. We don’t have the legal backing to investigate further because Cloudflare refuses to share the personal information of its customers for privacy reasons.

This makes it a great choice for scammers as they can hide even that one identity that they’ve used for their many websites from the public.

Although we weren’t able to identify the individuals behind this, putting all the clues together it has become very clear that this is a scam operation, which should put an end to anyone’s interest in this “service”.

FAQ on Bitcoin Lifestyle

What is Bitcoin Lifestyle?

Bitcoin Lifestyle is a scam operation posing as a crypto trading platform + bot software.

Is Bitcoin Lifestyle a Scam?

According to everything above, yes.

How much money can I make with Bitcoin Lifestyle?

You will not make any money with Bitcoin Lifestyle as it’s a scam.

Is Bitcoin Lifestyle legit?

Nope. Very much not so. Keep away from this and similar projects.



Marcus Lee

With promises of being able to make incredible profits, I thought investing in this trading bot would be the right choice… unfortunately, it turned out to be nothing but an elaborate fraud that left me with empty pockets. My advice is to steer clear of it.

Tiana Robinson

I signed up for Bitcoin Lifestyle thinking it was a legitimate platform for trading cryptocurrency, but it turned out to be a complete sham. The initial investment they required was quite steep, and I quickly realized that I had been conned. Despite their promises of high returns, I ended up losing all my money and have nothing to show for it.