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Bitcoin Freedom – Crypto Trading Bot Review by Traders

9 min
Bitcoin Freedom Review


Fraudulent crypto robot
Without licenses
"Get-rich-quick" rhetoric
Unrealistic promises of profit



  • Opening an account is easy, fast, and simple
  • Free personal account manager
  • Advanced technology
  • Free of charge


  • No real algorithm
  • Has no licenses needed to operate
  • A Ponzi scheme

Key takeways

  1. A fraudulent platform posing as a crypto trading platform.
  2. Criminals cooperate with various shady third parties and sell credit card credentials and users' phone numbers.
  3. The entire platform is a demo mode and does not support any cryptocurrencies.
  4. The platform is created in such a way that customers do not have the opportunity to withdraw funds.


How to Use Bitcoin Freedom? Full Scam Crypto Trading Bot Review

In this Bitcoin Freedom review, we are unraveling another case of a scam crypto robot.

Unfortunately, the crypto market develops much faster than international legalization and people’s knowledge about the latest technologies. In turn, the industry attracts a lot of criminals, willing to take advantage of the situation and people who are going through a financial crisis. 

In the last couple of years, they have developed a series of strategies to use people’s interest in crypto against them. They are a widespread network of con artists, using their knowledge in marketing and IT to manipulate people and steal their money and data.

Therefore, every story about a fake crypto trading platform is an opportunity to learn more about these criminals’ rogue strategies and recognize their fraud before it is too late.

In this Bitcoin Freedom review, we will expose another example of a scam crypto robot. Firstly, we will go through their lies and big promises. Then, we will reveal the sad and dangerous truth behind this bot and those alike.

Bitcoin Freedom Review
Ease of use
Minimum deposit and payment options
Demo account
Support and tutorials
Overall rating

Risks of Using Bitcoin Freedom 

  • No licenses
  • No cybersecurity protocols
  • Fake user testimonials
  • Unethical marketing
  • No crypto trading algorithm
  • Poor web design

What Is Bitcoin Freedom Crypto Trading Bot? Is It Really a Scam?

Bitcoin Freedom App is another fraud platform, pretending to be a crypto trading platform. There’s nothing new about it, as it is just one of the dozens of similar copy-paste scams created by the same criminals.

As is usually the case with such scam automated trading platforms, it also doesn’t give us any important facts. They aren’t informing us about the features of Bitcoin Freedom, licenses, and the company’s registration number. Instead, all we get on their website and in affiliate reviews is blabber about BTC and useless content.

An example of useless content is the “About Us” section on Bitcoin Freedom’s website. To say the truth, unlike some other crypto trading platforms that have websites with only one landing page, someone really paid attention to making Bitcoin Freedom resemble less obvious a scam. 

But, even though there is the “About Us” section, all we get is a fairytale about mysterious college students Jeff and Mike. They wanted to bring financial freedom to the world, so they developed an automated trading system that will benefit anyone, regardless of their skill level.

Well, Jeff and Mike could write a bit more about the algorithm and the interface of their wondrous platform. But they didn’t even tell us what is their company’s address, which makes us believe they don’t actually exist, as well as their “company” and award-winning “software”.

How does Bitcoin Freedom work?

Bitcoin Freedom is designed to offer investors potentially profitable trades. Its crypto trading process works so that the robot scans the cryptocurrency market by quickly analyzing all potentially best deals. Bitcoin Freedom software uses documented market examination while looking at current market conditions. 

Therefore, automated trading platforms try to identify the best trading crypto options for users which makes them a favourite crypto trading platform.

How can I create a Bitcoin Freedom account?

The new Bitcoin Freedom account opening process is easy, fast, and simple. It is broken up into a few steps, but after creating a new account, you will need to deposit funds into it if you want to gain access to the live trading session. 

More precisely, you’ll be asked to enter your name, phone number, and e-mail address, choose a password, and select the language in which you want to create your account.

Bitcoin Freedom account

And here we go, you created a new account and now you can start trading with Bitcoin Freedom.

However, before going for live trading, you will have to set trade settings such as the stop-loss limit for the profile which is one of the features that Bitcoin Freedom offers. Also, after registering you will receive a phone call from a free personal account manager assigned by the Bitcoin Freedom team who is supposed to explain the setup and crypto trading process and what you should do before you start trading cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin Freedom: Scam Web Platform Review

Although there isn’t much to say, let’s quickly skim through what Bitcoin Freedom says they offer.

They say that their platform has advanced technology, which is faster and quicker than any other robot and the crypto market itself! Similar claims make other scam crypto platforms, that have been already reviewed on our site:

On their official website, they tell us that their software is award-winning, although we don’t get to know which award is in question. 

This superior technology predicts the trends in the crypto market with 90% accuracy. And, everyone can use it for free! They say they don’t even charge the Bitcoin Freedom registration fee and that there are no other hidden fees.

They don't charge any fees
Features of Bitcoin Freedom

Bitcoin Freedom uses the same “get rich quick” rhetoric characteristic for scam crypto robots. What they basically say is lay back, enjoy, and let the robot make money for you. In the Bitcoin Freedom app, trading bots automatically complete transactions and observe crypto market trends. 

They call this passive income since the robot does everything for you, but is it really true?

Of course, this is a big lie, because machines and algorithms only execute tasks. They don’t know what’s good for users and need users to define the tasks for them.

Bitcoin Freedom registration
similar registration to other scam bots

The similar web design shared by various scam crypto robots:

Although deeply naive, Bitcoin Freedom’s lies are very juicy. They state that of the top benefits of trading with Bitcoin Freedom is the profit that can be gained every day. Who wouldn’t like to make $1000 after ending the live trading session every day, with only 250 US dollars of minimum deposit

If it were true, everyone would be a millionaire by now. Unfortunately, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Furthermore, there are only several available “features” on the platform:

  • Live trading
  • Demo mode

In truth, the entire platform is actually a demo mode, as there is no genuine algorithm behind it. The only purpose of these Ponzi schemes is to lure people into making deposits. 

Then, the system will show them as if they’re making money, asking them to deposit even more. In the end, when the user wants to withdraw the gains, they realize that it is impossible and that all of their money is lost.

The lost money isn’t the only problem, though. Another problem is that the criminals now have users’ credit card credentials and phone numbers. These criminals are known to collaborate with various shady third parties and are more than willing to sell this data  (such as credit and debit cards and bank account credentials, phone numbers, etc.) to them. 

In turn, the Bitcoin Freedom users will start getting countless phone calls each day, and if they pick up, a very rude person will start asking personal questions and forcing them to deposit more money.

This is the truth behind Bitcoin Freedom and similar live trading bots. Therefore, traders are advised to stay away from this questionable crypto trading platform and invest their money with a more secure crypto trading platform on the crypto market that:

  • are transparent about their team and company
  • have many different features
  • whose features can be customized by users
  • have licenses to operate
  • employ cybersecurity protocols

Even the best and most popular automated trading robots can’t always keep up with all the changes in the volatile cryptocurrency market, but there are more chances that one of these reliable platforms will come out as a profitable trading platform.

Unethical Marketing

The funniest thing about Bitcoin Freedom is their affiliate reviews. Although they are obviously online thieves that couldn’t care less about the destinies of people they steal from, they promote themselves as a life-saving crypto trading platform.

Namely, they hire affiliates to write affirmative blog posts on countless websites. In such a way, anyone typing “Bitcoin Freedom review” on Google gets only these fake reviews. 

In other words, the affiliates are piling up the Google search results page, thus having complete control over what users can find about them online.

Security and Licenses of Bitcoin Freedom

Bitcoin Freedom has none of the above. That means, traders using the platform have to trust Jeff and Mike will protect their data and make sure their money is safe.

Users that prefer not to entrust their hard-earned money to fictional Jeff and Mike, are advised to stay away from this platform because making money with Bitcoin Freedom is not possible. Otherwise, they put their online privacy and sensitive data at risk.

Personal Data Transfer

User Feedback on Bitcoin Freedom: All Fake

One would think that criminals are getting smarter in time, learning how to better hide evidence that they are lying. However, in the case of Bitcoin Freedom, this doesn’t seem to be the case.

Namely, on Bitcoin Freedom’s official website we see the following customer feedback section.

fake feedback of Bitcoin Freedom

It is funny how easy it is to figure out that these customer “reviews” are fake. A simple Google research reveals that Rebecca T. is a stock image. Also, beautiful Kenneth P. from Dallas is actually a Colombian actress Sofia Vergara.

fake images


Sofia Vergara


The next logical question is: are there any genuine user reviews on the Bitcoin Freedom crypto trading platform, and what do they say? Unfortunately, the answer is no. All of the reviews on Trustpilot are also 100% positive and fake. 

It is easy to figure out why they are fake: all of them have the “Invited” label and none of the users has more than one Bitcoin Freedom review. In other words, all of the accounts are fictive and were made only for the purpose of reviewing this scam bot.

Similar Trustpilot reviews have several scam crypto bots we have been warning about:

Final Verdict: Bitcoin Freedom Is a SCAM!

Bitcoin Freedom is another name on the long list of scam crypto robots. Evidence in favor of such an opinion is plentiful. This platform makes unrealistic profit promises, it has only several features and has no licenses to operate. 

Besides, the website is cheap and displays a bunch of useless information and fake testimonials. That’s why we absolutely don’t recommend Bitcoin Freedom.

Therefore, traders are warmly advised to refrain from engaging with Bitcoin Freedom’s crypto trading platform, as the criminals are monitoring every step, waiting for the opportunity to take their users’ money and online data.

FAQ  about Bitcoin Freedom

What is Bitcoin Freedom?

Bitcoin Freedom is another scam crypto robot, presenting itself as a genuine and legit crypto trading platform. Unfortunately, Bitcoin Freedom has nothing to do with trading or crypto. It uses cryptocurrencies only as a story to lure people into making a Bitcoin Freedom account on the platform. 

Once users share their personal data on the platform, their funds are being stolen and their phone numbers and other sensitive data sold to shady third parties. They sell personal data to third parties

How much money can I make with Bitcoin Freedom?

There is no way to earn money with Bitcoin Freedom, as this trading platform has no crypto trading algorithm.

Which Digital Currencies Does Bitcoin Freedom Support?

The Bitcoin Freedom automated trading platform doesn’t support any cryptocurrencies since it has nothing to do with crypto and trading. However, some reviewers state that it supports many cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, and Ripple. 

Is Bitcoin Freedom legit?

No, Bitcoin Freedom is an absolute scam. 

Do I need the trading experience to trade with Bitcoin Freedom? 

Yes, in order to trade crypto (with or without cryptocurrency trading robots), users should have at least basic knowledge and experience in crypto. 

Yet, the level of your trading experience in crypto is irrelevant for you to start trading with Bitcoin Freedom, as the platform doesn’t have anything to do with trading cryptocurrencies.

Can I combine crypto trading with my full-time job?

If you ask, then absolutely. In the end, the robot does everything for you, doesn’t it?

How do I withdraw money from Bitcoin Freedom?

There is no way to withdraw money from Bitcoin Freedom. The creators of the platform made it so as to take all of their users’ deposits. 

Is trading with Bitcoin Freedom safe?

The answer is no. Bitcoin Future trading software doesn’t even exist.

Is there a Bitcoin Freedom mobile app?

No, there is no official mobile app.

Does Bitcoin Freedom offer a demo account feature?

As we stated before, the whole trading platform is actually a demo trading mode, so the answer is yes, Bitcoin Freedom offers you a live trading account for trying out live trading sessions that involves no real money.


Ryan Taylor

I was really disappointed with Bitcoin Freedom. The whole thing felt like a scam from the start. They promised me the world, but in the end, I lost all of my investment. The platform was really confusing, and I didn’t know what I was doing most of the time. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone.

Sarah Davis

The software was slow and glitchy, and I had trouble accessing my account at times. Stopped using it, as quickly lost patience for its inadequacy.